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A member registered Feb 14, 2022

Recent community posts

even if u were to put 0.7.9 behind a paywall, whats gna stop others from pirating the game still? or do u wish to increase the money u get from the 7% who still pays for the game

the discord is fucking dead with the support, no one seems to be responding and game keeps showing me an error page at certain points of the story, console is also kinda scam since not all the commands work. quite disappointing frankly speaking

how do i install the latest patch cuz i hv the game alr but not this latest patch

cant scroll up in mobile

how will we update the game on mobile, and im not sure if anyone faces the same issue, but when i click the menu button during gameplay, i get double options for all the options that follow, eg. save load etc. , on the side of the screen and the bottom of the screen.